Hypnosis will increase your control over your thoughts, your feelings and your behaviours.
Improve Your Mindset.
Improve Your Life.
Unlock your potential & upgrade your mindset with
HYPNOSIS in as little as 5 minutes per day!
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You Can't Ignore The Power of Hypnosis
I've seen it happen time and time again... the moment someone embraces the process of subconscious transformation, their life LITERALLY takes off!

95% to 99% OF EVERYTHING YOU DO is a subconscious brain-based habit you perform on automatic pilot, including your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Trying to make changes using your conscious mind is therefore frustrating and slow.

You think 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day, and most of them are negative. It's very challenging to change your thoughts with conscious positive thinking alone, because most of your thoughts arise from your subconscious mind.

90% OF YOUR THOUGHTS on any given day are the exact same as the thoughts from the day before. Most people are accustomed to thinking more about what they don't want, than what they do want. These thought patterns help to shape your reality.

Your subconscious mind can process 20 MILLION pieces of information per second, while the conscious mind can only process 40. Learning how to access the wisdom of your subconscious mind will connect you with your intuition and improve your decision making skills.

We all go in and out of hypnosis naturally several times each day. Learning how to take advantage of these times can help you to upgrade your beliefs, habits, self-esteem and confidence.

Your thoughts, emotions and perceptions can cause cellular changes in your body, leading to vibrant health or disease. Mastering your inner domain and developing inner peace can have a profound effect on your health.

Our subconscious minds are programmed through the experiences we have in the FIRST 6 YEARS of our lives when we have not yet developed the ability to think critically or discern. These programs are often outdated and limit our performance and results. Updating these subconscious beliefs is transformational, particularly if you experienced any kind of childhood trauma.

The subconscious mind is said to be ONE MILLION TIMES MORE POWERFUL than the conscious mind. Working with the most powerful part of your mind to make the changes you desire is more efficient and just makes sense.

What you're conditioned to believe about yourself affects your behaviour. You'll never outperform your self-image but you can upgrade your self-image easily with hypnosis and self-hypnosis, eliminating self-sabotaging behaviours and creating more success.
"I wanted to do something to help me move on from past experiences that were limiting my current day happiness. I’ve never thought of myself as someone who can ‘visualize’, it’s always been such a struggle for me when trying to meditate etc. With Barb’s help I did a session where my visualization was so vivid it’s was like an 70’s acid trip lol! I felt amazing and so peaceful after and can’t praise Barb and this process enough!"
- T.L., Ontario
Common Misconceptions that STOP Most People from Getting Started with Hypnosis

"Seeing a Hypnotherapist is Expensive"
You DON'T need to spend thousands to get the transformation you want! You can get started by listening to audios with your mobile device, and learn a simple daily routine to get to that next level!

"I simply don’t have the TIME to learn any of this stuff or to meditate!"
No one does! The demands of daily life keep us all extremely busy, but you simply can’t afford to stay stuck any longer. And if you learn how to do it the RIGHT way, it just gets easier and easier to implement into your daily routine in as little as 5 minutes per day. Hypnosis is the fastest way to transform your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours at the subconscious level.

“It’s SO overwhelming!
I don’t know where to begin!”
As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I know just how overwhelming and confusing learning meditation and hypnosis skills can be. This is why I show my students that with the right tricks, hypnosis and self-hypnosis doesn’t have to be rocket science. It CAN be simple and fun! And today, technology like mobile devices makes it easier than ever before!

“I don’t know how to write my own hypnosis scripts”
Creating effective hypnotic suggestions IS the bottle neck that will slow any self-hypnosis beginner down. This is why we provide scripts and worksheets to show our students simple hacks that shortcut the self-hypnosis process to save you hours of time WITHOUT sacrificing the quality of your transformation!

“Hypnosis is MIND CONTROL! I don't want someone else controlling my mind!”
If you don’t want someone else to hypnotize you, we show you how to make very effective self-hypnosis and meditation audios to use on your own. HOWEVER, most people find they have far more control over their minds when they're in hypnosis than when they're in their conscious waking state. You'll learn how to recognize when someone is using hypnotic techniques to influence your beliefs and behaviour and how to prevent that from happening.
Pathways to Inner Transformation
Module 1
The Power of Your
Subconscious Mind
Tap into the mind-body connection to access your innate wisdom and intuition to heal, release emotional baggage and find inner peace. Learn how subconscious beliefs are formed and how you can upgrade them to feel better about yourself, change your habits and create more success in life.
Module 2
Paradigm Shifting With Hypnosis
Learn about the mesmerizing state between asleep and awake that we all experience multiple times each and every day. Recognize when you're naturally in a hypnotic state and how you can utilize its power for personal development, empowerment, changing your personal reality and manifesting improved health, wealth and relationships.
Module 3
Transformation Using Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis
Begin to use simple and powerful strategies to upgrade your beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours to begin transforming into the best version of yourself in as little as 5 minutes per day. Change your mind and change your life.
To Guarantee You Get Started the RIGHT Way, We’ll Give You Three Hypnosis Audios FREE When You Join Today! ($125 Value)
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